Wear A Mask!
It has been a while and I felt the need to write so here I am, kids! I hope this finds you and your loved ones safe and healthy. I am currently spending my time in Western Massachusetts. I am reading, playing with our new family member: Millicent Rose, a beautiful greyhound we rescued from a recently closed Orlando track, practicing piano and occasionally writing whenever I find myself in the mood (which truth be told is rare these days). PUMP UP THE VOLUME was a couple weeks away from tech when we were given the news of postponement. I still feel for our company as I do for every theatrical production that was about to premiere. It's unfair. You have these dreams and you find the strength to jump these seemingly endless hurdles year after year, only to have your dreams postponed by a worldwide pandemic. But that's what it is... I'm just happy we weren't cancelled, as PUMP's message speaks to what is happening right now in America: Speaking out against corrupt m...