
Showing posts from January, 2020

Do What You Love

“Doing what you love is the cornerstone of having abundance in your life.” – Wayne Dyer People often warn young musical theatre performers not to pursue their passion. "It's too hard a life", they say. I find this obnoxious. I have been pursuing my passion for well over ten years and have lived enough to recognize how terrific a life in the theatre is. Sure, there have been and will continue to be pitfalls. It's part of the gig. But when you get to those life moments when something you created is fully realized (particularly if it's working), the feeling is utter bliss. Study says one of the greatest regrets of the dying is that they didn't have the courage to pursue their true calling. If you know what you want out of your life, consider yourself among the lucky ones. Go forth and do it. Support your community and your peers. Want for them just as much if not more than you want for yourself. Wake up each day with gratitude and do what you love. It makes ...


“The two most important days in your life are the day you are  born  and the day you find out why.” –  Mark Twain . I was 15 when I realized why. My mother purchased an Andrew Lloyd Webber compilation cassette tape and my father played it in the car on a family outing. At first I wasn't paying much attention to it. It was..."fine". "The Music Of The Night" then came on. As fate would have it, I happened to be reading the novel and was able to put the song in a dramatic context. My body went flush. It was my defining moment. It was my "why".  I want to create musicals that make me feel the same way I felt the day my life changed for the better.  For years, I've been writing musicals, through failure and success, with gratitude. I hope you join me on this crazy journey and introduce yourself! If musical theatre offers anything, it's community, and the best one at that.  - JT